Concerning the length of the game you can expect between 12 to 15 hours to finish all the levels at 100%, which is a good average for the genre. Story wise, well you know what to expect from Nintendo, all the Super Mario Bros could be considered as a perpetual reboot considering the lack of consideration for what happened in the past, anyway the story is as simple as it gets, if you're looking for an interesting one don't buy a Mario game. I don't explain how they didn't nailed this part, because generally they do, for the first time in a Nintendo platformer I was frustrated by the controls. Concerning the gameplay once again the lack of innovations can be a bit annoying if you're not a fan, but most of all I find the character a bit clumsy and jumps aren't as perfect as in Donkey Kong for example, this was really the biggest lay down of this game for me. On the other hand the games doesn't have any bug like always with Nintendo.

Like (almost) every Nintendo console the Wii got his Super Mario Bros episode, but was this needed for one of the most iconic character of videogames ? Technically the game looks fine for the Wii, the childish art direction adds a lots of charm to all Nintendo's platformers but it lacks originality in the level design (almost no use of the motion controls) and the boss design as well.