The online course can be taken on a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device and is offered around the clock, though it is currently available only in English. If a driver must wear glasses or contact lenses to meet this standard, Restriction B will be placed on the license or permit. Customers who fail the test twice must go to a DMV office and pass it in person. It can’t be taken on a tablet or mobile device. A webcam is required for test takers, along with a browser extension that must be installed on their computer sound and keyboard entries are monitored to ensure honesty. Participants verify their identity by submitting a photo of themselves to the DMV, Orrock said. Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays.

The online test is offered in 35 languages and will look roughly the same as an in-person test, said Chris Orrock, a DMV spokesman. “We continue to incorporate ways to bring DMV services to our customers when and where they want.” “This is one more example of how the DMV is modernizing to add more convenient services online that used to be only available in an office,” DMV Director Steve Gordon said in a statement.